一、关于我们About us
Serve the opening up and intelligence and investment attraction of the city.
Receive the visiting foreign delegations, and delegations from HK, Macao, embassies and consulates.
Invite foreigners to visit China; examine and approve official visits to foreign countries or overseas territories; provide consular protection for Jilin City citizens abroad.
Coordinate the friendly communication between our city and foreign cities and conduct people-to-people friendly exchanges with foreign countries.
二、联系我们Contact us
地 址:申慱亚洲官方网:市越山路11号城建大厦16楼 邮 编:132011
Add:NO.11,Yueshan Road,Jilin City,China 132011
综合处(市委外事办秘书处) Tel:+86-432-64805737
General Office(Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission,CPC Jilin Committee)
涉外管理处 Tel:+86-432-64805750
Division of Consular Affairs and Consular Assistance
国际交流合作处 Tel:+86-432-64805996
Division of International Cooperation
礼宾新闻处(港澳工作处) Tel:+86-432-64805756
Division of Protocol and Press (Division of Hong Kong and Macao)
机关党总支 Tel:+86-432-64805759
Party General Branch
市友协办公室 Tel:+86-432-64805751
Jilin City People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries